1. Profile of the journal

In the journal "Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series “Crop growing, selection and seed production, fruit and vegetable growing" articles on current problems in agronomy and related fields, crop production, soil tillage, vegetable growing, selection, seed production, seed science, genetics, horticulture, agrochemistry, soil science, technology of storing  products connected with  problems of forming highly productive crops are published.


Deadlines for  articles submission:


- the first issue – until April 1 (the date of placement on the site – June of the current year);

- the second issue – until October 1 (the date of placement on the site - December of the current year).


The following  works are accepted for publication:


- completed original works, not previously published (volume 5–20 pages);

- theoretical and problem-review articles up to 1 print. sheet, including the  literature (at least 30 publications);

- descriptions of original methods and devices.


Articles are published in Ukrainian, Russian or English.


ІІ. Requirements for the article text presentation


The text of the experimental article should consist of parts: "Introduction", "Analysis of recent researches and publications", "Research methodology", "Research results and discussion", "Conclusions", "Literature ".

The text of the article begins with the UDC index (UDC), then the initials and surnames of the authors, full names of scientific institutions, the title of the article, abstract in the original language, keywords. Then the main text of the article is given.

Below the text of the article "LITERATURE  " and "REFERENCES" are placed. After the literature, the title of the article, the names of the authors, their business address, extended annotation (500-1000 printed signs- from 0.5 to one page of A-4 format) and keywords in English and Russian are given. The abstract of the article should reveal its content. If the main text of the article is English, then at the end of the article, its title, information about the authors, abstract and keywords should be in  two other languages. The English text must be written at a professional level of language proficiency. If you submit  the article translated, for example, by the  online translator (Google, etc.), or not professionally written, the article will not be accepted for publication.

At the end of the manuscript the date of sending the article to the editorial board of of the Bulletin of KhNAU Series "Crop growing , selection,  seed production, fruit and vegetable growing" is indicated.


Submission of the article and accompanying documentation:


  1. The text of the article (one copy), signed by all authors on the first page, designed in accordance with the requirements should be sent by "Ukrposhta", and the electronic version of the article (MSWord) (named after the first author - Ivanov I.) – to e-mail: natasha_didukh @
  2. 2. The file with information about the author (surname, name and patronymic, mailing address for sending the author's copy, contact numbers, e-mail address) and information about the number of copies and the need for post mailing (with the name of the first author - information about the author Ivanov I.).
  3. The review of a doctor or candidate of science from another institution (any university by profile, except KhNAU) with a wet seal of the university (send by "Ukrposhta"). Send the scanned review to the e-mail, (named after the first author – review Ivanov I.).
  4. The scanned receipt of payment for printing services (send to e-mail (named after the first author – receipt Ivanov I.).
  5. The abstract in English certified at the translation department or office of the institution where the author (authors) of the article works should be sent to the e-mail, (named after the first author – annotation
    Ivanov I.).


The structure of the professional article:


  1. Introduction in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks.
  2. Analysis of recent researches and publications in which the solution of this problem has been initiated and on which the author relies; determining the unsolved parts of the general problem covered in the article.
  3. Material and methods of research – the section characterizes the subject of research, modern methods and techniques of research are given, the use of which guarantees reliable results.


  1. Research results and their discussion - the section presents the main research material with full grounding of the obtained scientific results: obligatory – tabular or graphic material with the results of statistical analysis, without which the articles are not considered. Tables should be compact, have a name, their "header"should exactly match the content of the graphs, all columns of the "header" must be filled. When using the tables, the word "table" is not written, the serial number of the table is placed in front of its name, it is given in bold and is centered. References are placed below the table.

Graphic material (drawings, illustrations, diagrams, charts, etc.) must be clear and expressive; lines of graphs and charts, all symbols on them must be clear. The title of the figure in the text is placed below it in the center. The word "Fig." and the name of the figure – boldface and centered. References are placed under the name of the figure.

  1. Conclusions - at the end the conclusions of this research are given and the prospects of further studies in this direction are briefly presented; it is necessary to emphasize the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the obtained results, to substantiate their reliability, to give recommendations for their use (volume 5-10 lines);

LITERATURE (in the order mentioned in the text) with references in the text given  in square brackets. The bibliographic list, prepared in accordance with the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic references. General  regulations and rules of compilation ", consists only of those sources to which reference is made. The minimum number of used sources for scientific articles should be 20, for review - 30. (self-citation - up to 10%). At least 20% of sources should have a doi index.

REFERENCES should be designed in accordance with the international standard APA (American Psychological Association (APA) Style) (see examples).

  1. Abstract and keywords (in Ukrainian, Russian and English) which are printed in Times New Roman , size of type - 12 pt. Abstracts in English and Russian for Ukrainian-language articles should be compiled in accordance with the requirements of international science-metric databases (not less than 1800 characters); should be informative (not to contain general words); profound (reflect the main content of the article and research results); structured (follow the logic of the article); Therefore, the obligatory components of the abstract in English and Russian for the articles are: introduction; topicality; purpose and objectives; research methods; results; conclusions (i.e a brief repetition of the structure of the article). When writing an extended abstract, the syntactic constructions inherent in the language of business documents, standardized terminology should be used, avoiding complex grammatical structures, little known terms and symbols. Start with the names and initials of the authors and the title of the article.

Materials are placed on sheets of A4 paper (297 × 210), Page margins: left - 3.18 cm, right - 2.54 cm, top and bottom - 2.54 cm, Line spacing - 1.25 cm.

The entire text of the article, LITERATURE, etc. are  printed in Times New Roman , size of type  - 14 pt, single interval. The size of tables and figures should not be smaller or larger than the width of the text.


The following requirements should  also be observed when writing an article:


- formulas are submitted using the built-in formula editor MS Equation in italics and numbered on the right side;

- drawings made in MS Word should  be grouped; they should be the only non-colour graphic object;

- tables, figures are printed using the built-in Microsoft Word editor and placed in the middle;

- during the dialing, automatic hyphenation should be turned off ("forced" hyphenation is prohibited);

- mark paragraphs only with the "Enter" key, do not use spaces or tabs ("Tab" key);

- abbreviations of words and phrases, except for the common ones, are not used;

- references to the literature in the text include the serial number of the source in the bibliographic list and its corresponding page. They are given in square brackets, separating  from each other by a semicolon, for example: [3, p. 35; 8, p. 56–59].


Example of design (general view):


UDC 631.53: 635.646

(one interval)

І.І. Ivanov, Doctor of  Agrarian Sciences, Professor

Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaiev

(Kharkiv, Ukraine)

(one interval)


(one interval)

The results of research as to the  effect of seeds  incrustation by Semia-color with the addition of growth regulators and microfertilizers on the laboratory eggplant  seeds germination are presented.

Key words: eggplant, dye, laboratory germination, growth stimulants, microfertilizers.

(one interval)

Formulation of the problem


Material and methods of research

Research results







Received 01.01.21




The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the terms, names, data, citations, statistical materials, etc. given in the article.


All materials submitted for publication undergo a two-level review system: external (reviewed by a candidate or doctor of science of any institution, except for KhNAU employees; certified by the seal) and internal (secret; reviewed by members of the KhNAU editorial board). The decision to publish the article is made by the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to shorten, edit the text and change the title of the article without the consent of the author.

Manuscripts rejected by the editorial board are not returned to the authors.


For more information:

Contact telephones – 0974636529, 0995292461

Didukh Nataliya Olexandrivna

e-mail -




Sample certificate of the author

Last name, first name, patronymic of the author (s)


Information about the supervisor:

(Full name, academic degree, academic title, position)

Fill-in if there is no degree


Place of work (study), scientific degree, academic title, position


Contact phone




Postal address

 (sample: Peace street, b. 3, apt. 6, Kharkiv, 62483)


Number of the copies required



Texts of articles and external review are sent by mail to the address:

62483, Ukraine, Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, p / o "Dokuchayevske-2", campus of KhNAU, the department of crop production, to the editor-in-chief, or the department of fruit and vegetable growing and storage, to the executive secretary–PhD in Agricultural Science N.O. Didukh.


III. The order for the articles to be accepted for printing
for the teaching stuff of KhNAU

The author with the article and the external review drawn up according to the requirements should address the editor-in-chief of "Bulletin of KhNAU" for the direction on internal review.

Employees from other institutions present materials drawn up in accordance with the aforementioned requirements to the Executive Secretary N.O. Didukh.


The Editorial Board of «Bulletin of KhNAU»