ISSN 2413-7642

A.I. Kryvenko, doctor of agricultural sciences, associate professor

S.V. Pochkolina,candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

R.V. Solomonov, candidate of agricultural sciences

Odessa State Agricultural Experimental Station NAAS

Odessa, Ukraine


Regularities of weeding in crop rotation fields against the background of different tillage systems

It was found that during the research in winter wheat crops, 40 species of weeds of different biological groups and classes were registered. The most common weeds in the research are: spring (Polygonum aviculare, Fumaria officinalis); winter (Descurainiasophia, Capsella bursa-patoris, Veronica hederifolia, Thlaspiarvense), perennial (Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis). All of these weeds are non-parasitic weeds. They have roots, stems and green leaves, resulting in an independent diet.

It is shown that on average for 5 years of research the least number of weeds was recorded after black fallow (53,7 pcs / m²). Weeds were 22,0 % higher after winter weeds, 55,9 % more after a mixture of peas and mustard, and 95,3 % higher after peas for grain.

In the experiments, almost identical results on weediness of winter wheat crops were obtained with two tillage schemes, namely tillage and chisel tillage. However, there is a slight tendency to reduce the number of weeds (0,8 %) during chisel tillage.

There was an increase in the number of weeds on the 2nd (83,5 pcs / m2) and on the 4th (76,6 pcs / m2) crops compared to the 1st (64,3 pcs / m2).  The highest tweediness (83,5 units / m2) of winter wheat crops was observed in the 2nd crop. This indicates a large potential contamination of the arable soil layer.

Key words: crop rotation, tillage, black fallow, green fallow, weeds, winter wheat, oats.



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