ISSN 2413-7642


A I.O. Derevianko, candidate of agricultural sciences, lecturer

N.Р. Turchynova, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

Kharkiv National Agrarian University nd. a. V.V. Dokuchaev,

Kharkiv, Ukraine.


Selection Value Of Samples Spring Barley For Dry Resistance In The Conditions Of The Eastern Part Of The Forest Steppe Of Ukraine

The results of three annual studies on the studied reaction of spring barley plants to the level of moisture supply during the growing season have already been covered. In order to study the diversity of collection samples of spring barley in response to drought, we used an index approach, which is widely used by foreign scientists. With the help of the seven most common of them. These are: drought susceptibility index, tolerance index, average yield, yield stability index, yield index, stress tolerance index and geometric mean yield. 37 samples of spring barley from the collection have already been evaluated to establish the selection value of these samples for drought resistance. According to the results of the evaluation of the collection of spring barley cuttings according to dry resistance indices, it has already been established that the samples: Vodohrai (UKR), Nutans 108 (RUS); Nutans 553 (RUS), Nutans 642 (RUS), Omskyi 90 (RUS), Orenburhskyi 35 (RUS), Karabalykskyi 43 (KAZ); Nutans 89 (KGZ) had a higher level of dry resistance compared to other samples from the collection. These samples can be involved in breeding programs to create competitive varieties of spring barley, which will be adapted to the conditions of the eastern part of the ForestSteppe of Ukraine.

Keywords: spring barley, selection, dry resistance, indices of dry resistance, tolerance, stress, adaptation.



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