ISSN 2413-7642
L.N. Potasheva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor,
Yu.N. Potashev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor,
I.V. Nepran, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Kharkiv National AgrarianUniversity named after V.V. Dokuchaev
Kharkov, Ukraine
Formation of structural elements and yield of beans depending on the variety and pre-sowing treatment of seeds in the Eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine.
The article presents the results of studies on the effect of the bacterial preparation Rizogumin (based on nitrogen-fixing bacteria Rhizobium phaseoli) on the structural elements and grain yield of four standard varieties of beans in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Introduction. In the context of reforming the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and reducing the production of livestock products, the production of high-protein crop products has acquired great importance. As a consequence, in recent years, the demand for seeds of leguminous crops, in particular beans, has sharply increased.
The use of beneficial microorganisms in the technology of growing beans makes it possible to significantly reduce the use of mineral fertilizers, to produce environmentally friendly products and is one of the most effective methods of increasing its yield.
The aim of research is to establish the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with Rizogumin on the structural elements and yield of standard varieties of beans in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Materials and research methods. The study of the influence of Rizogumin on the structure and yield of various varieties of beans was carried out on the basis of the "Experimental field" URPC of the Kharkiv National Agrarian Universitynamed after V.V. Dokuchaev. The experiment studied the effect of seed inoculation with Rizogumin on the yield of four varieties of common beans for grain use: Pervomayskaya, Dokuchaevskaya, Mavka and Panna.
Research results and their discussion. In average for 2018-2020 studies, pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a bacterial preparation ensured the formation of a more optimal ratio of structural elements of the yield in comparison with the control. So, during bacterization of seeds, the number of grains per plant in the Pervomayskaya variety was 21.3 pcs., in the Dokuchaevskaya variety - 20.3, in the Mavka variety - 24.9, in the Panna variety - 20.5 pcs.; on control - respectively 19.0, 18.1, 22.8, 18.9 pcs. If, when using Rizogumin, the weight of 1000 grains in these varieties reached 243, 245, 229, 272 g, then in the control - 238, 240, 226 262 g, respectively.
Due to the better plant survival, the local varieties of beans Pervomayskaya and Dokuchaevskaya had a greater density of plants before harvesting: in the control - 40 pieces / m2, in the variant with inoculation - 41 pieces/m2; in the varieties Mavka and Panna, according to the variants of the experiment, 3 plants less were preserved per 1 m2.
It has been found that, on average, for three years of research, the yield of beans of the Pervomaisk variety was 1.81 t/ha, the Dokuchaevskaya variety - 1.73, the Mavka variety - 1.89, the Panna variety - 1.81 t/ha. The greatest increase in yield was obtained in the varieties Pervomayskaya and Dokuchaevskaya - 0.16 t/ha each. The varieties Mavka and Panna formed a smaller increase in yield due to inoculation - 0.13 t/ha each.
Key words: common beans, variety, pre-sowing seed treatment, structural elements, yield.
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